Story Quilts

These narrative quilt drawings allow students to experiment with line and pattern, while also giving them an outlet for personal storytelling!  

After studying Faith Ringgold's story quilts, 1st graders created a border reminiscent of quilt patterns. In the center of this quilt-like border, students illustrated a story from their own lives.  From pet store visits, to football games, to trips to the playground, the stories are personal and precious!

*** This full lesson with the student handout is available on Teachers Pay TeachersClassful, and Made By Teachers ***

Step 1:  Introduction and "Quilt" setup

I introduced my first graders to Faith Ringgold by reading her book Tar Beach and showing them a 34-slide PowerPoint about her and her story quilts.

Sign up to the All About Art newsletter below if you would like me to send you the PowerPoint!

    I tell students that we are going to make drawings that illustrate our own stories, and we will create a border for our drawings reminiscent of a quilt border.

    Students traced a 3”x3” square stencil all along the edges of their 12”x18” drawing paper.  We used a ruler to draw one or two diagonal lines in each square to turn them into triangles.  

    Step 2:  "Quilt" patterns

    Students then came up with different patterns and designs for each of these “quilt” triangles. We really focus on patterns that can be created with different types of lines and shapes. I provide students with this Pattern Handout to help them come up with ideas.

    Students continue filling each of their "quilt" triangles with a different type of pattern. Students can color in their patterns with crayons, colored pencils, or markers.

    Step 3:  Story Telling

    In the large area in the center of this “quilt” border, students can illustrate a story from their own lives.  I like to brainstorm ideas out loud. It's amazing to hear them describe the stories depicted in their artwork. This lesson would be great paired with a writing piece as well.

    Happy Coloring!

    The Faith Ringgold Lesson Plan, including the Pattern Handouts and Quilt Templates, as well as a Faith Ringgold mini poster and Word Search, can be found in my TpT store, All About Art


    And don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter and get the PowerPoint to help teach your students about this fantastic artist!


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